Now, is that really necessary to sell clothing? Point being, it's clothing. It's supposed to COVER your body, not expose it. Sometimes, the fashion industry shocks me beyond belief.
This is My Body
12 years ago
....your source for all things related to politics, feminism, and pop culture mixed with my personal opinion : )
Ah, must be your first encounter with an American Apparel ad.
Their ads always piss me off...because they are almost always just like this one.
Yeah, it's absolutely beyond me why this is necessary to sell clothing. You know, the absence of clothing.
In my opinion, if you can't show regular people wearing your clothing and get people to buy it that way, you have issues with your product, not your advertising.
No, I've been acquainted with them. I lived in downtown Manhattan for about 6 months and I was SURROUNDED by them! I am honestly confused at how they manage to get away with these ads!
Wow. WOOOOOW. Hmm, so, apparently, American Apparel & Abercrombie and Fitch can get away with objectifying adds. Hmmm, so, why can't they market the CLOTHES like other stores, and NOT the body in the clothes. I could write a paper on this...
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