Thursday, December 25, 2008

Happy Holidays!!!

Happy Holidays, everyone! Eat tons of food and have tons of fun! : )

Friday, December 19, 2008

Riot Grrrl!

It's been a while since I last updated this blog. However, that's going to change. School was just really driving me crazy this past month or so. Anyways, I wrote one of my final papers on the history of riot grrrl. I decided that I would repost the manifesto on this blog because I love it soooooo much!

The Riot Grrrl Manifesto

"Riot grrrl is…

BECAUSE us girls crave records and books and fanzines that speak to US, that WE feel
included in and can understand in our own ways

BECAUSE viewing our work as being connected to our girlfriends-politics-real lives is
essential if we are gonna figure out how what we are doing impacts, reflects, perpetuates,
or DISRUPTS the status quo

BECAUSE we don’t want to assimilate to someone else’s (Boy) standards of what is or
isn’t ‘good’ music or punk rock or ‘good’ writing AND THUS need to create forums
where we can recreate, destroy, and define our own visions

BECAUSE we know that life is much more than physical survival and are patently aware
that the punk rock “you can do anything” idea is crucial to the coming angry grrrl rock
revolution which seeks to save the psychic and cultural lives of girls and women
everywhere, according to their own terms, not ours

BECAUSE doing/reading/seeing/hearing cool things that validate and challenge us can
help us gain the strength and sense of community that we need in order to figure out how
bullshit like racism, able-bodism, ageism, speciesism, classism, thinism, sexism, anti-
Semitism and heterosexism figures in our own lives

BECAUSE we are angry at a society that tells us Girl=Dumb, Girl=Bad, Girl=Weak

BECAUSE I believe with my holeheartmindbody that girls constitute a revolutionarysoul force that can, and will, change the world for real"

I can't help but love that.......

SLUT Pictures, Images and Photos

grrrl Pictures, Images and Photos

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Sunday, October 19, 2008

John! i'm speechless!

At this past debate, McCain came out and ranted like an angry elderly person with alzheimer's! lol! Obama did all he could to not just erupt in laughter I'm sure. But what I want to discuss is McCain's answer to the abortion question. He said that the idea that the mother's life could ever be in danger is an excuse. REALLY?!?!?!? Well, Mr. McCain....why don't you look up the number of pregnancy related deaths that occur each year in this nation and try to make that statement. But my main issue is I don't want John McCain telling me what I can and can't do with my body when his running mate's daughter is knocked up and we all know that her life will pretty much be shitty since she's marrying a self-proclaimed redneck who recently dropped out of high school. I'm so over politicians attempting to legislate what women should or shouldn't do with their bodies. Excuse me for thinking that paying taxes should guarantee me autonomy in matters concerning my right to reproduce!

On the other hand, Obama's answer to the abortion question was great. He acknowledged that women should be trusted to know what is best for them. This my friends is one of the many reasons I'm voting for Obama! : )

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


I stumbled across this American Apparel ad, and it is very unsettling to me!

Now, is that really necessary to sell clothing? Point being, it's clothing. It's supposed to COVER your body, not expose it. Sometimes, the fashion industry shocks me beyond belief.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Sarah Palin becoming VP will ruin America! Oh, it's true!

After watching the VP debates, I decided to list the reasons Sarah Palin will make a horrible VP:

1. She constantly says "I don't understand the Washington D.C. speak." Well, okay...that's fine! But let me tell you what I would do if I didn't understand the language and vocabulary of those in Congress when I am saying I could lead...I WOULD LEARN IT, OR I WOULD GO THE HELL HOME! She seems to not care. She just wants to get a crash course in foreign policy so she can hopefully be VP. That's not the proper attitude to have. She needs to be passionate about learning these things on her own as well. After those Katie Couric interviews, we all know she isn't interested in doing that.

2. She is a power hungry ice queen. Yes, I said ice queen. She doesn't believe her role as VP is secondary! WHAT??!?!?! This government is built on checks and balances! She cannot just ride to the White House in her snowmobile and say, "Ya know, I'm going to run this!"!

3. She doesn't know any Supreme Court cases other than Roe v. Wade.! If she were to ever be president (God willing she WILL NOT be), she would have the power to appoint justices to the Court but she has no idea what the hell the Court has ruled on!!! THAT IS INSANE!

4. I think she is the wrong representation of the American dream. She is the reason I believe parents should be honest with their children and tell them their limitations. I'm sure her parents told her she could be whatever she wanted, but she can't! She is not qualified to even be a state representative. When she decided to be McCain's running mate, someone should have taken her aside and said, "Sarah, what the hell are you doing? You don't even read!" My mother always told me do what you're good at but make sure you love at. The key phrase is "good at"....SHE WILL NOT BE GOOD AT BEING A VP!!

5. SHE MOCKS EDUCATED PEOPLE! She is constantly saying that the "elite" Harvard grads just don't understand the issues like she does. Umm, yeah they do! The question is if she truly understands the issues. Going to an Ivy League school is not wrong. Going to college period is great. By mocking the "elite," she's really saying "Ya know, I don't look at facts and all those books...I go with my gut!" NOW WHERE HAVE WE HEARD THAT BEFORE??.....GEORGE W. BUSH!!!!!!!!!!!!

6. She has a degree in journalism, but doesn't read periodicals. Enough said.

7. She called the Taliban the "Talibani" tonight. Last I checked, the Taliban was not an Italian group. C'mon, Sarah! That's just like saying "internets"!

8. She is too much like George W. Bush. She wants to ride into Washington on a moose and shake things up. That is so scary because she claims to represent the regular people but I'm a regular person and she does not represent me. For one thing, I know what the Bush doctrine is. Second, I have never seen a moose up close in my life! She's not the average American. She's an American from the outskirts of the country. People need to own up to that fact.

9. These debates proved nothing to me! What we saw tonight was the result of intense cramming. What we saw in her interviews was the real Palin. The real Palin is the one we would more than likely see if she were to become VP.

10. She calls herself a maverick! NO!!!!!!!!! Mavericks don't let people tell them when to speak, and they don't allow people to shield them from the media! Sarah, pick a new word to describe!

Simply put, Sarah Palin is out of her league just as many suspected.

Monday, September 29, 2008

La Bruja: Another amazing feminist!

I first saw La Bruja on Def Poetry a few years ago. Since then, I've been a fan! She's an amazing poet, feminist, activist, and musician. Enjoy the video!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Two songs that make me proud to be a woman! haha!

I just love Little Jackie! The lead singer Imani is amazing!

Who doesn't love Pink?! Plus, she's not a fan of Sarah she gets kudos! : )

Friday, September 26, 2008

The debates and something lighter...

Simply put, Barack OWNED the debates!! He was amazing tonight!

But I thought I would mention a feminist issue now just to mix things up. I've been meaning to write about this for a while but I just got this blog so please don't be annoyed haha!

Jordin Sparks, purity rings, and the VMAs....

Well, I'm a fan of Jordin Sparks, but she and other celebs wearing purity rings must NOT assume that everyone who doesn't wear those fake pieces of jewelry is a slut! C'mon, Jordin! I know she's young, and feminist theory is probably something she's never been introduced to....but someone needs to tell her that her idea of being celebate and "pure" for her future husband (who probably won't be "pure") is just one of the many ways the patriarchy perpetuates the idea that women are meant to be wives and unsexual beings. I know she included men in her statement too by saying they didn't want to be sluts either, but let's face it: most of the pressure to be chaste is put on women. I realize some people might not see the sexism in this situation because the Jonas Brothers have rings too. WELL, DUH! Of course they have purity rings! And why's that??? Because they work for a little corporation called Disney that basically owns you and tells you how to live once you sign a contract with them. I understand that the VMAs host was annoying, but someone should have taken Jordin aside after the show and said " just called about 50% of young American women around your age sluts." Not everyone is Christian, not everyone wants to be "pure", and...some people just like sex! So, in conclusion, I think Jordin has alot of growing to do. Not because of her celebacy but because she doesn't realize that sex is not a synonym for promiscuity.

I knew someone would eventually realize the Alaskan hockey mom's stupidity! AWESOME!!

Apparently, Kathleen Parker, a well-known conservative columnist, thinks that Palin is "out of her league." FINALLY!! I've been waiting forever for someone to actually give an accurate opinion of Palin! Palin is no friend of women, she's no trailblazing force of nature....she's just an IDIOT!

Enough from me, check out Parker's opinion:

But after that interview with Katie Couric, can you blame anyone for doubting Palin's ability to be VP?! If you didn't see it, I have it for you:

Watch CBS Videos Online

Sarah, please just go back to Alaska. We're actually starting to feel bad for you!

Let the battle begin!!

Apparently the debates are on again! I guess McCain realized his presence really wasn't going to speed up any agreement after all! Tough cookies, Johnny Boy!

I am so excited about watching this debate. Jeffrey Toobin, a CNN political analyst, said today on CNN'S Situation Room that this debate is like "the Super Bowl for nerds." LOL! I agree...and me and Mr. Toobin are proud to carry our nerd membership cards! : )

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Campbell Brown ROCKS!!!


I couldn't agree more!

But I just want the McCain campaign to let Palin have a real news conference so I can see what else she doesn't know haha! And maybe it would be humorous! She would probably start talking about her kids, her snow-mobile riding husband, or hunting...and it doesn't get much better than that! LMAO!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

FOX news says minorities should be blamed for the financial crisis

Wow! Black people are to blame? REALLY????? FOX news is probably the most ridiculous media source today. They should just put "We hate gays, minorities, and poor people!" in their commercials. I bet Cavuto and other assholes at FOX probably haven't even stopped to think about the fact that maybe there is a deeper issue at hand here. For instance, maybe these Wall Street pimps seek out POOR minorities (because Cavuto, not all of us are poor like you and your cronies would think) to give loans to because they want to make sure that they can keep getting their large annual bonuses while still managing to isolate wealth from the masses? HMM....that sounds more believable to me. After seeing this video, I now have a better understanding of why FOX has to keep saying they are "fair and balanced": they have to say that because maybe one day they will start believing it themselves! Either way, I think they are full of shit!

Friday, September 19, 2008

These republicans never stop trying to fix elections...

You know, if I had alot of money I would be writing the Obama campaign a fat check RIGHT NOW!!! why?? well read this:


* Lost Homes, Lost Votes: Are Republicans Trying to Block Foreclosed Homeowners
from Voting in Michigan? *

The Democratic National Committee and the Obama campaign have filed a federal
lawsuit to block a controversial voter suppression tactic in Michigan. The
Michigan Messenger reported this week that the chairman of the Republican Party
in Macomb County is planning to use a list of foreclosed homes to block people
from voting in the upcoming election as part of a Republican effort to challenge
some voters on Election Day.


I am so tired of these freaking republicans trying to fix elections! Where the hell is the democracy in that? You would think that since they consider themselves the "true americans" they would leave the voting process alone and let the people speak for the people! ugh! And frankly, I'm tired of republicans questioning how much of a patriot I am just because i'm not voting for McCain since he was a POW and a maverick! That was Vietnam and he was alot more agile then...right now, he wants to put my country in about 2 different wars when we are already in a HORRIBLE state at the moment! And I can't see how he can truly say he loves america when he is putting us at risk!! The man is too old to be president! TOO OLD! And have you noticed that it seems like when his poll numbers slip they put that duct-tape looking bandage on the side of his face to make you think he's being treated for cancer again?! Then two days later his face will look completely fine!! I'm just so tired of their games and anyone that isnt...well, i have no words because you're an American and you know your right to vote is valuable, but if you want to support a party that doesnt care about that then hey! by all means continue

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Sarah Palin is a JOKE!!!!

Being the Obama fanatic that i am, I have been following the election coverage very closely. However, I'm starting to think that Sarah Palin is probably the most dangerous person to put in the White House after these past shitty 8 years of the Bush administration. C'mon, people! She is a member of a church that believes you can "Pray the Gay Away." Kinda like the concept behind the camp in the movie "But I'm a Cheerleader!"....That is soooooo ridiculous! And she's anti-choice, inexperienced, believes that the war in Iraq is God's! OH! and let's not forget that HORRIBLE interview she had with Charlie Gibson! SHE DIDN'T KNOW WHAT THE BUSH DOCTRINE REFERS TO!! And she wants to be Vice President?? In any other situation, I would probably laugh at her and maybe pity her. BUT she wants to have the second most powerful position in our country so the humor is a little short these days.
Simply put, this woman being VP scares the shit out of me!

Palin, just go back to Alaska and shoot another moose! Leave politics to the REAL women!