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Let's just pretend for a second that Pat Buchanan has a point. What if affirmative action promotoes discrimination against white men? Well, I'm against discrimination of any type, BUT in no way can a case be made that white men are suffering because more minorities have the jobs that they have traditionally held. As Rachel Maddow states, the lack of minorities in powerful positions throughout history doesn't suggest that white men are inherently better at such jobs. In contrast, it suggests that minorities have been DENIED such positions because of their race and sex.
And why isn't Buchanan criticizing the many discretely racist comments made to Sotomayor during these hearings???? The Ricky Ricardo "You'd have some serious 'splaining to do!" wasn't racist? It was indeed racist, regardless of how people might choose to defend that statement.
In short, I live in America. In this country, minorities, including women, have been denied advancement for many year so that the white, heterosexual, male majority could maintain power and influence of the decisions and policies made in this country. I am ecstatic to see a well-educated, LATINA woman as a Supreme Court nominee! It lets me know that America is FINALLY living up to its reputation as a racial and cultural melting pot. God bless America....and Rachel Maddow! : )