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I found this pic of Rosario Dawson and thought it was AWESOME! I've always been a Rosario Dawson fan because of the great roles she always has in Tarantino films and how well she played Mimi in RENT, but I became even more of a fan when I found out how much of a philanthropist and humanitarian she is. She's involved with the ONE Campaign, Amnesty International, PFLAG, and the Lower East Side Girls Club. She's definitely a woman worthy of respect and admiration.

Victoria Beckham, formally know as Posh Spice of the Spice Girls, is known for her impressive fashion sense and being the wife of the world's most famous soccer star, David Beckham. However, I can't help but wonder if the "girl power" message she perpetuated with the Spice Girls years ago is simply a non-issue for her today. It seems that she isn't promoting that young girls should "do it for themselves," but instead parading around with her husband and amazing the world with her ability to fit into size 000 jeans. Her book, the cover of which is the picture featured in this entry, is all about fashion and how to make yourself "look better." As a very influential and powerful socialite, I must say I expected more from her. We all know she's beautiful and we love her for it, myself included. I was a Spice Girl fan back in the day! Haha! BUT I would like to see her write a book telling young women how to become successful business women and utilize their "girl power" in a manner that doesn't involve clothing, hair, or accessories.